
Tuesday, 19 November 2013

BFI Film Academy - November 16th 2013

Day 2, and this day was about shooting.

Firstly, we had a workshop with cinematographer Daren Eagles, who spoke to us about lighting, focussing, zooming, and a load of other cinematography-related things. He gave us a few tips too, such as using a big white board to reflect light. That turned out to be very handy! There were some incredibly interesting techniques that I'd never even considered before, such as moving the camera away from the subject and zooming in simultaneously. That created a really cool effect!

Each group then got given a camera, and were allowed to experiment. Our group ended up making a few things, including one particularly terrible video about an earthquake, which just involved me shaking the camera and the others looking slightly surprised. I was slowly getting to grips with the camera though!

Next, was a sound engineer who gave us a talk on recording sound. I hadn't really realised how important sound was in film before this (I can't stop noticing it now!), but he showed us a lot of examples. He also spoke to us about using a boom mic, foley sound, and getting a "room sound" as he called it for editing. 

They were both very interesting talks, and they gave us a lot of knowledge. I had finished a first draft by this of the script by this point, but I wasn't overly happy with it. The group gave me a hefty amount of feedback, which was really helpful, and I set to work on improving it that night. I continued to discuss the script with them through Facebook, as we'd created a group. It all helped me out a lot.

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